Sunday 26 February 2012

Brilliant White Light

My friend told me to open my eyes after that as he eased me back out of my reverie and into the real world. I thanked him for the help and said I wouldn't be needing his services anymore. Then I went back to my car and drove home.

I got home a few minutes ago and put the news on. The anchor just got finished saying there's been a lack of Archangle murders for a couple days, which put a smile on my face. Math never hurt anybody.

I had just put my gas mask and calculus book away when my psychologist friend came in and pointed a gun at my head. It's about time.

"I remember the first time she came to me," he's saying. He's explaining why I'm gonna die. There's no need, I already know.

My name is Nikolai, and I'm done dreaming. It's time to stand and face the light.

Harlequin Metropolis
Written by DJay32
Heavily based on Dream Theater's Metropolis, part 2: Scenes from a Memory
I give full permission for Harlequin Metropolis to be used in however the Fearbloggers see fit

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